Creepy athletes, actors and whatever Ozzy is in a dark alley.

Who would you be the most afraid of if you ran into them in a dark alley?
Stephen Baldwin
Ozzy Osbourne
Alex Trebec
Michael Strahan
Meryl Streep
Serena Williams

Dark alleys creep me out!


  1. stephen baldwin. and that is the honest to goodness truth. why's ozzy so scary? all you'd have to do is scream words, kick him in the shins and run.

  2. Hahaha, very true. Ozzy wouldn't be too hard to disorient. And yes, Stephen is on the list for a reason. I chose Meryl Streep because I think she's a bit creepy, but mostly I thought I was funny. But honestly my answer would be Michael Strahan, because dude's HUGE and if I only saw his silhouette, I'd pee my pants. Twice.


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