Bacon, Sausage, or Ham, a very very vital determination...

Ham, Bacon, and Sausage
Originally uploaded by edkohler
The Ever-Puzzling Breakfast Question: Ham, Sausage or Bacon? Which would you most prefer with your breakfast?
Please Specify:


How's it goin'?
Oh, ya know. Things are alright.
GREAT! I'm on top of the world!
Just dandy!
Not that great.
I wouldn't mind kicking you in the shin, thanks for asking.


Can you dance?
Everyone can...can!
Not at all.
I move around a lot, but I'm not sure if it's considered "dance."
I'm a pretty great dancer.
Yes. I belong on TV.

One time through these movies might make me blow a fuse...

If you were forced to watch one of these movies a dozen times in a row, which would make you blow a fuse first?
Transformers 2 (Revenge of the Sucky Movie, I mean Fallen)
6-hour long Pride and Prejudice
Kazaam (Yes, the one from the 90s starring Shaq)
From Justin to Kelly (Starring Kelly Clarkson and Justin goofy-legs Guarini)
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
Encino Man (Brendan Fraser and Pauly Shore... *shudder*)

Important question about a mysterious inheritance...

what ?
Originally uploaded by Bluettino
Suppose that a mysterious distant relative passed away and left you millions of dollars. Which color of shirt are you wearing when you get this news?

Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring? Not quite...

Which is your favorite season?
Pheasant hunting season.
The 1st season of "Teletubbies."
Baseball season.
Hurricane season.
Flu season.

Telekinesis, you know you try it!

Originally uploaded by Nano_07
How recently have you fervently tried telekinesis? Be honest!
Today... I really didn't want to move to get that remote!
In the last week or so.
In the past month.
In the past year.
It's been years.
Not since I was a kid.
I've never tried it. That's stupid. (I'm also a liar.)

I don't think I ever GENUINELY tried it until I was in college. Hmm... what a sad unimaginative childhood I must have had.

Minutes, Minutes, Minutes!

The Passage of Time
Originally uploaded by ToniVC
Which is your most favorite minute of the day?
7:53 AM
11:36 AM
3:15 PM
6:25 PM
2:10 AM

I certainly am leaning toward 10:01 pm.
Sidenote: If any of you are troubled by it, I've decided just now to actually name my polls from here on out. I don't think it's very helpful to have them numbered the way they are. I'm also changing all the old poll names so as to draw more attention to the older polls that deserve some more attention.

Grisham-movie lawyers, to the rescue!

Honest Lawyers DSC_4379
Originally uploaded by photodillon
If you needed a lawyer, which John Grisham-movie lawyer would you hire?
Reggie Love (Susan Sarandon in The Client)
Rudy Baylor (Matt Damon in The Rainmaker)
Deck Shifflet (Danny Devito in The Rainmaker)
Darby Shaw (Was only a law student)(Julia Roberts in The Pelican Brief)
Jake Tyler Brigance (Matthew McConaughey in A Time To Kill)

This is just to coincide with my streak of John Grisham novel-to-movie movies I've watched lately. (All three of The Rainmaker, The Pelican Brief, and The Client.)

फाठेर'स डे पोल

Today is Father's Day?

Can't quite figure this one out...

Originally uploaded by Canobie Fan
What's your name?
I don't know!?!

Yes, it makes sense, just think about it.

Flavors of laughter...

Jayantii Laughing
Originally uploaded by premasagar
Laughing? What kind?

So many laughs, and there are so many more. I've seen someone laugh in a way that could only be called frangling. Serious.

Steel Days? I don't think so. Help American Fork out!

American Fork
Originally uploaded by Candice D.
Here in Utah all of the towns have summer festivals specific to each town. For instance this week is "Strawberry Days" in Pleasant Grove. Many other towns have such "Days." Apparently Pleasant Grove used to be known for its strawberries, so their name makes sense, right? My town, American Fork, has "Steel Days." There used to be a big steel mill nearby that isn't even IN American Fork, so I've never thought it fitting, and even less so now that it shut down. Which of these should be the replacement name of our "Days?"
"Formerly-Named-A-Lame-Sauce-Name Days"
"Happy Days"
"Fork Days"
"The Festival of Fork"
"Featureless Town Days"
"What The Days"
"Squid Days"

There is a nice canyon that bears the name American Fork right nearby us, but again, it's not IN American Fork. If we went with a name of a site IN American Fork we could have... Senior Citizen Center Days... or Typical Main Street Shops Days. I just don't know!

Some very special wedding bands, VERY special.

If these bands were the only ones left in the world which would you have play at your wedding?
Spinal Tap
Hanson (Mmmbop?)
Iron Butterfly
Air Supply
98 Degrees
Milli Vanilli

Hmm, I'm thinking I might have left one band in there that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Oops.Technorati Profile

Clickin', Chewin', Losin'! PENS!

Originally uploaded by butterfly724
What's your worst habit, when it comes to pens?
Clicking click-pens like CRAZY CAKES!
Chewing on them.
Losing the lids, I can NEVER FIND THEM!
Breaking them. Ink... yummy!
Breaking the long skinny part off of the lid.
Losing them. I'm always buying new ones!

What the WHAT?!!!

What the...
barrel of monkeys?!
circumambulation dance?!

What the crap is going on here?! I frequently use the question mark exclamation point combo. It's a fave of mine.

Wanna donut?

Newest Donut In Town
Originally uploaded by uncleboatshoes
Would you like a donut?
Only if its a chocolate covered French cruller!

Why did I do this?! I'm hungry for donuts now!

Cheap national monuments for sale! Act now! They won't last long!

Originally uploaded by DiscoWeasel
Suppose that the economy worsens even more and you somehow still manage to have millions of dollars, which U.S. landmark will you buy when the government begins selling them off?
The Washington Monument
The St. Louis Arch
Mt. Rushmore (there's treasure there!)
Delaware (yes, the whole state)
Old Faithful
The Statue of Liberty
Niagara Falls
The Hollywood Sign (to be moved to your choice of locale)

Picture: Earth is apparently for sale, too?

A pet that Jeff Goldblum wouldn't approve of...

my pet t-rex
Originally uploaded by nerimarvitug
If you had a pet dinosaur, (t-rex, I'm thinking) what would you name him/her?
Yankee Doodle

YEARGH! I can't stop hiccuping! I want a pet t-rex!

History Channel, TALK TO ME!

Ya know how on the History Channel there are always people they interview for the most random topics, but that person is like THE person to talk to about that topic? About which of the following topics would you most want to be THE person to talk with?
The history of pheasant hunting.
The exciting history of bread.
Motor oil.
Clowns. (you know there's someone who specializes in their history.)
The history of toothbrushes.

I've always wanted to be THE person to talk to about something... I just can't decide which topic.

Yes, I AM a professional athlete. Heh heh.

Luke Walton
Originally uploaded by Culture Shlock
If you were able to trick a professional sports league into thinking that you had enough skill to play for them, which of the following would it be?
National Basketball Association
Badminton Players Federation
Twenty20 Champions League (Pro Cricket)
Major League Baseball
National Football League (American)
International Federation of Association Football (Soccer)
National Hot Rod Association
USA Jump Rope
National Hockey League

Well, of course, there's always the off chance that you ARE skilled enough to be in one of these leagues. If that's the case, go try out!

A room full of nuts!

If you had to make your way through a room FILLED COMPLETELY with nuts, which room would you choose?
The Brazil Nut Room
The Cashew Room
The Insane Asylum Room
The Macadamia Room
The Almond Room
The Walnut Room
The Pecan Room
The Wingnut Room

Hmm... almonds have that pointy end. They could be dangerous. This is an important poll.


Khas Minang Surya
Originally uploaded by Farl
Most people breakdown into two different types of eaters when presented with a plate of various foods. Samplers (who eat a little of this, then a little of that) and finishers (who eat one thing at a time until it's gone, and then move on to the next). Which are you?
I'm a sampler. Mix it up, baby!
I'm a finisher. These things don't mix!
I really don't know...
Please Specify:

I'm mostly a finisher, but sometimes I sample. I'm curious to see if there are other styles that people have observed. ...This has all made me kinda hungry. I've also noticed that many finishers like to keep their different kinds of foods from touching each other. (The picture above is perfect for these people.)

Where did you tell the stork to drop you?

globe collection
Originally uploaded by girlhula

Hmm... where would I come from? I'm wondering how many people would choose their home because it's all they can imagine, or if people will think the grass is greener elsewhere.
(Also, I'm trying a new poll-site out, just for kicks.)

Wow, I belong in Hollywood, just look at these titles!

Originally uploaded by the internerd
Based upon their titles, which one of the following imaginary movies would you want to see most?
"The Dancer and Her Fur"
"York: The Dog Who Never Quit"
"Ferret Follies!"
"Freddie Dangerbone: A Danger Story"
"Can You Figure Out What It's All About?"

I love the imaginary cinema!

What does George Bernard Shaw have to say?

Originally uploaded by spontans
"This planet is obviously being used as an insane asylum by other planets." --George Bernard Shaw... what do you think about this quote?
Who told?!
Nonsense! It's a penal colony, stupid!
Flurgle fahwlfhwl...
George, you're wrong.
I like this.