
Originally uploaded by Michael.DK (mostly away)
Admit it, you like the smell of gasoline!
You're right. I do.
Never! I hate it!
Eh. Whatever.
I can't smell anything, my nose has boycotted smelling.

Painting animals on planes.

Originally uploaded by Lorenzana777
Imagine you've just won your own private jet! WOOT! Even better, they're going to let you customize it! Of course you want them to paint an animal on the side (who wouldn't?), and they give you the following. Which do you choose?
Panda. No question.
A lynx. Cool name, weird ears!
A starfish. That makes sense, right?
A majestic elk. Perfection.
A hippo. Who doesn't want a flying hippo?
A shark. Because I'm ferocious like that.
A komodo dragon. Not as cool as a regular dragon, but close enough.
Forget animals, paint Yanni!

This is definitely the most important feature of any customized private jet. I don't know if I can make up my mind!

Dave Matthews is asking the questions here.

Dave Matthews Band asks, "Where are you going?"
Space. I'm the Rocket Man.
All the way to Reno.
Into the sunset... we will become silhouettes.
The Distance.
To a mad world.

Bonus points for those who can come up with the bands who sing the other song references!


How many fingers am I holding up?
3, the pinky and the thumb aren't fingers!

I'm a loyal customer, Mr. Jobs/Gates

Mac Vs PC
Originally uploaded by Nightlife1970
Are you a Mac, or a PC? Or are you a normal human being whose identity isn't tied to your computer?
I'm a Mac.
I'm a PC.
My personal identity isn't dependent upon the purchase of any product. I'm a human being.
What the crud is going on here?

Hi! I'm Jeff!

Creepy athletes, actors and whatever Ozzy is in a dark alley.

Who would you be the most afraid of if you ran into them in a dark alley?
Stephen Baldwin
Ozzy Osbourne
Alex Trebec
Michael Strahan
Meryl Streep
Serena Williams

Dark alleys creep me out!

Laughing to tears, a poll.

Laughing to Tears
Originally uploaded by ski_sarahjane
When was the last time you laughed to tears?
Two seconds before making this poll. (Ah, "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" how I miss you.)
Last week.
About a month ago.
A few months ago.
It's probably been a year.
Years ago.
I'm lame and have NEVER laughed to tears. (But by lame, I mean full of potential.)

I have probably laughed to tears during "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" at least 3 or 4 times in my life, let alone all the other times I've laughed to tears. I love it.

Three... two... folding chair... FIGHT!

folding chairs 0072-75
Originally uploaded by brtpropshop
Who wins in a fight between the following?
Stephen Colbert
John Salley
A folding chair
Queen Latifah
Captain James T. Kirk

Yet another fight, but this one seems even more likely than the previous poll-fights. I really can't decide if Stephen will win with his sharp wit, or if Queen Latifah or Captain Kirk will make better use of the folding chair... quite the conundrum we've got here.

Jacon Hargen Bargain

Jacon Hargen Bargain?
A dollar store
A Junior Bacon Cheeseburger
The original title of the film "Far and Away"
An NFL player
A hair style
A snowboarding grab

What IS it?

Some kick-TRASH indie band names, a poll.

local band
Originally uploaded by mark page
Which would make the best indie band name?
Buggy Wheel Squeak
Viral Video Baby
Artshark Frank
Tennessee Williams Loves You
Ellipsis Yuck
Ample Ants

I was just going to leave it at Ellipsis, but of course there is a real band called that!


Originally uploaded by allin7x
And now boys and girls, we'll search for a random word like, stitches, and answer the first question that I can find in the results... OUR QUESTION: I have a company owner looking for light blue and yellow knit Henley shirts for men. Is there such a shirt?
I believe henley shirts aren't allowed to come in light blue... too sky-like.
"I believe Alteril™ can help you sleep."

So, how about it? Do they exist?

Bovicide and funnier(?) words...

Chewing Cow
Originally uploaded by Batram
Which is the funniest word?
Bovicide (To kill a cow)
Heebie jeebies

No killing cows. But it is a pretty funny word...

Are you PT?

Potty training 1
Originally uploaded by abstractmind31
This poll is a shout-out to my childhood. (I'll tell you this, no matter how you answer, the kid is going to make fun of you!)
A kid on the playground from my childhood asks: Are you PT? (giggles)

If you said "Yes" then you're potty trained but you're a Pregnant Teacher, if you said no then you're not Potty Trained! LOSE, LOSE! (Well, of course, if any of you happen to BE a pregnant teacher, I guess it really isn't a Lose, but a serious win! If you could help me out and answer yes and then say, "TAKE THAT CHILDHOOD WORD-BULLY!"... I'd really appreciate it!)

Sammy Sosa, Texas, ants, A $5 bill, and a stock broker?

new $5 dollar bill
Originally uploaded by Maryland1RN
Who wins in a fight between the following? (Remember, commenting on WHY you chose is not discouraged!)
80 Ants
Sammy Sosa
A $5 bill
A stock-broker

Yes, please comment if you feel passionately about your responses! Also, look at all of the old polls! There are many that remain unresolved.

Odds of being crushed by a ... BLUE WHAT?

Blue Whale
Originally uploaded by murky
What do you consider the odds are that you are crushed by a blue whale in the next 30 minutes?
1:100 (I dance with them, frequently.)
1:1,000,000 (I've seen them before.)
1:7,000,000,000 (It probably has happened to one person)
I expect it ALL the time!
1:999,999,999,999,999,999... (this question is NUTS!)

Just curious...

Jimmy Fallon?

Jimmy Fallon's Pants
Originally uploaded by stevegarfield
Jimmy Fallon really isn't all that funny.

Anyone want to hire a pickle-picker-upper-and-eater?

John McEnroe
Originally uploaded by Maurisico
If you could get paid to do any of the following, which would you choose?
Clip people's toe nails.
Pick the unwanted pickles or tomatoes off of people's food.
Be yelled at by John McEnroe for 3 weeks.
Gather the gum stuck to all sorts of objects (to be recycled).
Kill a ficus bush.
Drink unused ranch dressing before it expires.

Gotta love the recession! It seriously makes you consider some interesting things for work.

Flavors of fast food poisoning?

Fast Food?
Originally uploaded by cassifalcao
If you HAD to get food poisoning from one of the following fast food chains, which would it be?
Burger King
Taco Bell

In other words, which flavor do you want your vomit to be?


Which is your favorite note?
B flat
F sharp
D flat

Pick a note!

Chesley Sullenberger... a kick-trash pilot!

Chesley Sullenberger
Originally uploaded by HELLO CHICAGO
If any of you don't remember, or never heard about it, Chesley Sullenberger was the pilot who successfully landed his plane full of passengers in the Hudson River after having lost power to BOTH of his engines from hitting a flock of birds this last January. No one died, the injuries weren't very severe, and he searched the plane to make sure everyone got out successfully. He did everything right. This all landed him in the Time 100 and has frequently branded him a hero. I know this poll isn't totally ridiculous, but answer it anyway!
The pilot Chesley B. Sullenberger, "Sully," is...
A great man that did his duty heroically.
A good guy.
The best of the Time 100 this year!

Exercise goals, too many or too few?

Don't Exercise Too Hard!
Originally uploaded by Legolam
On average, how many personal exercise goals do you set every year?
Exercise? I hardly remember how to spell it!
1-12, (New Year's/ New Month's Resolutions?)
12-52 It seems I set them more than once a month, or almost every week.
52-365 -- I need a new goal almost daily!
I don't set goals, other people set them when they see me! (By answering this, you make yourself instantly hated, just so you know.)

I thought of this, because I set a new exercise goal tonight. (To go along with at least 2 others that I already have.)

The Killers ask: "Are we human? Or are we dancer?" A poll.

Brandon Flowers - The Killers
Originally uploaded by JMaloney
The Killers ask: "Are we human? Or are we dancer?"
We be human.
I'm dancer.
I'm Steve.

So how about it? Are we human, or dancer?

Mary Poppins in a fight?

Saguaro Cactus
Originally uploaded by chrisjfry
Who wins in a fight between the following?
A cactus.
Five cats.
Whoopi Goldberg.
Mary Poppins.
A lawyer.

I'm so sorry you have to make this INCREDIBLY difficult decision! Good luck!

Kickin' Beatles in the shin! Gotta kick one of 'em!

If you had to kick a Beatle in the shin (even if you LOVE them), who would it be?
Volkswagon... oh wait... don't pick this!

Don't you worry, there will be oodles of polls! I'll post them whenever I feel like it, and whenever I think of them! Good luck deciding on this one!

Poll The First

Welcome to Just Ridiculous Polls! All you'll find here are the most ridiculous polls! It's really an incredible thing to see the responses to the most stupid, random questions I can imagine! But I think it's a great way to pass some time! Join the fun! Weigh in on the very first JRP Poll!
Who am I?
A blog with an identity crisis.
Nick Nolte? Is that you!?
Perhaps you're Fred?
The first poll on a kick-trash blog.
Clearly you're you.
I don't have my glasses on.