You settle into the couch after your long day of work and having just finished a very pleasing dinner. You glance out the window and see that the sun is setting and determine that you should go for a nice sunset stroll. You're at peace with this decision when you hear a faint noise that doesn't sit quite right. You think, "Was that a baby crying?" You stand and move toward where you thought you'd heard the noise. You hear it again, but now you think that it's someone calling out for help. You venture into the bathroom where the noise seems to be coming from and then you hear the voice seemingly creeping up through the pipes say, "HEEEELP!!! I'M STUCK!!!!"
"WHO is that? And where the heck are you?!" you shout into your bathroom sink.
"Oh! I'm so glad you came, I've been in here about 20 minutes calling for you! It's Dave! I'm stuck!" Dave is your semi-obnoxious semi-hilarious friend from next door. Dave then says, "Dude, I was trying to climb through the sewer pipes to give you the scare of a lifetime, but then I took a wrong turn, and well, I'm stuck. I didn't think this through." Dave then starts crying uncontrollably, and shouts for you to help him once more. What a crazy happenstance!
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