Diva Deception

So, you're a secret agent working for your government, and you really need to infiltrate the VH1 Divas show to be able to reach the traitorous double-agent that has been working part-time for Lady Gaga. You have to impersonate one of the performing Divas to be able to reach this traitor. Who will you impersonate? elton john

Trapped in the Dessert!

You're lost in a massive building that's completely new to you. It's your first day of work, and of course you've gotten yourself lost and can't find the HR lady's office for your meeting. You walk through a door and find a very tight hallway with four doors along the left side and nothing else. The door you just came through clangs closed loudly, and your attempts to reopen it are fruitless. You decide to venture to the first door on the left. As you open it, an avalanche of something hard starts falling on your head. You stumble back and realize that you're being surrounded by a mountain of peanut butter cups! You go to the next door... a mountain of doughnuts! The third reveals a mountain of brownies, and the fourth a mountain of gooey chocolate chip cookies! You decide that someone has infinitely outdone the old secret candy drawer! Above each mountain is a faint light from what seems to be an open door on the opposite side of these rooms full of sweets. Which room will you attempt to traverse? HR is expecting you, after all.

mini cups

Can you handle a bit of repetition?

You're just chilling on your porch, enjoying the last few minutes of evening twilight when a bright flash fills the sky... YOU'VE BEEN ABDUCTED!!! Your captors are jerks and want to torture you with human television... but at least they're going to give you a choice. They point to five different monitors playing five different 30 second clips of different shows on a loop. Pick which one you'll watch for the next 24 hours! ALIEN!

Evening constitutional canines.

You're out for your evening constitutional and you spy the most wretched rodent you've ever seen. Oh, wait, it's a dog. He's just mangy. Oh, he's a puppy. Oh. Oh, look at those eyes. He's yours. What's 'is name? scratching his belly w/ my shoe

Which dance do you do for a slice o' pie?

You go to your favorite bakery on the corner. The baker's son has been left in charge for the day and is high on his own power. Instead of merely paying for your favorite slice of pie, he demands a dance from you as well. Which dance will you do?

slice o pecan pie
Which dance do you do?
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